Archived Case

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Case Studies

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Seven Dolors Catholic Parish

In 2020, Seven Dolors Catholic Parish celebrated its 100 year anniversary. What an honor for BHS to renovate such a historical place of worship.

Crestview Christian Church

The Crestview Christian Church Project was completed under budget by $70,000.

The Women’s Health Group

BHS not only stayed within budget on the The Women's Health Group project, but came in under budget by $18,000.

Via Christi Clinic

The Via Christi project transformed a grocery store into a cutting edge medical facility, on schedule and $20,000 under budget.

Meadowlark Hills CenterPointe Clinic

CenterPointe Physicians was founded in 2018 and by 2022 had the need for their own building. The new construction project, located just outside the main Meadowlark Hills Campus serves both the residents and the general Manhattan public.

Kansas State Volleyball Arena and Olympic Training Facility

This state-of-the-art facility houses both the Morgan Family Volleyball Arena and the Morris Family Olympic Training Center.

Hayden Kohlmeier Orthodontics

After 32 years in their original office, Hayden Kohlmeier Orthodontics moved to a new location to accommodate for their growing cliental in Manhattan, Kansas and trusted BHS with construction of their new space.

First Christian Church

First Christian Church worshiped in their original church for 152 years. When they had outgrown their church and were in need of a new building to hold services, BHS became a proud partner for construction.

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